понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

comuni del italy molise

This month started off with exciting with my ex trying to filet me. Helluva way to end a friendship. Heh.

A whirlwind of events followed as my friends, family, and loved ones came to my aid and rescued me from my own, personal, private heck.

Iapos;m all moved out of Seattle, Washington. Living in Fremont, California.. And getting ready to transition to a new life in Las Vegas, Nevada.

You guys-- you make this clown feel like a million ducks
comuni del italy molise, comuni della provincia.

david fuller caravans

And just when everything was going so perfect one usual biological procedure came to ruin my day. Oh yes, my period started today. So be careful, people. The bitch you were used to will be extra evil and sarcastic for some days Anyway as I was saying, it ruined my day. For some hours I�was convinced that it was going to be an extraordinarily painless period. And so I made the biggest mistake: I went to the schoolapos;s restaurant with my friends and we ate. By the way, the food was perfect: chicken with potatoes and cheese, it even included a sweet But then just when we were walking the 10 minutes back to school for General Sociology my body betrayed me. First I had a terrible will to go to sleep. I mean I usually do, but this one was 50 times greater. I had the feeling that I�could sleep standing on the freaking road. Still I�ignored it as an after-the-lunch thing that comes to most of us normal Greeks that usually take an afternoon sleep. And then the pain started... And I knew the nausea would make itself known as soon as I would sit down. Still I�hoped since I havenapos;t had a nausea-accompanied period for some months now.
Once we were at class, I hardly could keep myself from falling asleep. So when we had a pause, I left. At home, I threw up and I fell asleep. I didnapos;t even wake up for History of Law. So I missed school and I donapos;t know if I should go tomorrow, or just lie down and sleep.
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do border collies shed

Fai is a guy who started off showing a bright and friendly personality, with endless smiles and a distinct, slightly disarming presence to him. Heapos;s laid back, relaxed; someone who will attack you with nicknames and charm, and chances are he wonapos;t care if youapos;re less than friendly yourself. He seems flippiant at times, and doesnapos;t take many things seriously. Heapos;s a mischievious guy, and a little fun never hurt anyone, right~? Heapos;s playful, and he likes to hand out nicknames people he meets. Itapos;s all the more fun when people react to these nicknames too

However, a lot of Faiapos;s smiles and extrovert nature are used as something to hide behind; Faiapos;s got one hell a past behind him, and itapos;s something that heapos;s unable (at present) to let go of. Maintaining a confident, casual demeanour is a way, as he sees it, of distancing himself from the others in the group. He seems caring but initially never seemed to put that much effort into connecting with the rest of the group. Yet, as time goes on, and as the "family" stays together for longer, itapos;s clear that Fai develops an affectionate attachment to Sakura and Syaoran, and he cares for them a great deal. Though heapos;d rather not admit it, it almost does feel like heapos;s part of a family.

Despite his laissez-faire attitude, Fai can be quite calculating when it comes to it, and makes up for lack of major physical power with quick thinking and lithe agility. Fai is also a user of magic, though itapos;s very, very unlikely heapos;ll use it, unless in instances where there really is no way out without it. This attitude towards his magic changes, as is shown during the manga; in Koryou country, despite being attacked by acidic globules of stuff, Fai refused to use his magic, no matter the circumstances, and it was quite lucky that they did manage to get out of that situation alive, but in Lecourt (which Fai hasnapos;t reached yet in this canon but still), Fai does eventually resort to using magic to rescue him, Kurogane, Sakura, Syaoran and Mokona. This is a sign of Faiapos;s feelings changing, even if he has no wish for that to happen at all.
do border collies shed, do boilers, do body wraps work, do body wrap work.

boat minifish sail

im moving in with james in a few days. Nervous nervous nervous.

we made margaritas last night and they were really good.

i want to invest in a blender.

i have 47 cents in the bank right now.

i still dont know what im doing for christmas.

i talked to tony for a long time last night and he sent me some old pictures.

i will let you see two of them.

age fourteen:

and age sixteen:

you can laugh at me all you want but it wont make you any cooler, im sorry.

boat minifish sail, boat miniature sail, boat mini z, boat mini supply.

воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

drama korean palace tv

I got things posted up on freecycle and started laundry.

I did manage to make myself a dinner that was more than just throwing some premade thing in the microwave.

Other than that. Nothing.

Oh well. I think I just needed a day to stare at the TV and pet the puppy.

But since I actually got stuff done yesterday, Iapos;m not feeling overly guilty for not doing much today.

But for now, Iapos;m going up to the bedroom, curling up in comfy jammies, maybe work on Tapos;s christmas present (I am making good progress on it and should have it done by my goal) and watch stupid TV.
drama korean palace tv, drama korean phoenix, drama korean phoenix soundtrack.

суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

du ford prairie sac

Just returned from San Antonio. �Day began well. �Had good meetings with clients. �Got over myself. �Thatapos;s going to be the hard part, you know.��Getting over myself. �I walk up to clients in their trade show booths and the thoughts I think theyapos;re thinking about me include:

- Get away from here, you retarded motherbleeper.
- Your forehead is grossly shiny and sweaty.
- Your ears stick too far out.
- Why do you have protruding lips
- Why does your suit fit you so crappily?
- Who picked your tie up.

Now, if they are women, I can deal with the women. �I feel better in front of women.��But dudes?��Not a chance.

I�saw some old friends. �I answered a lot of questions, like:

- I was just getting used to you at your OLD�job�
- What happened?�Whyapos;d you leave?
- Really?
- What are you thinking?

I probably told too many people too many things that are too personal. �Things about my marriage (and eminent dissolution thereof; the day is 10/25, and I�am sure the soon-to-be-ex is planning some sort of go-get-drunk celebration that will most likely involve abuse of other banned and not-banned substances). �Things about my personal life.��Things about why I took this new job. �Things about why I couldnapos;t stay at the other job.

I�hugged old friends from Ultradent. �It was a huggy company.��I am a huggy guy. �I�liked working there. �People hug.��And theyapos;re good, genuine, friendly hugs. �I didnapos;t hug Vicki. �I wanted to hug Vicki. �She is a lovely person, and a good friend that was cresting to a "great friend" before I�left. �I feel like I�left her behind.

So, the new job... Being a media rep in a trade like dentistry is interesting. �It will be interesting. �It CAN be a lucrative gig. �This particular gig may work out well. �I just feel really uncomfortable at this point.

I want to add an old friend to my friendapos;s list.��An old friend I connected with.��Itapos;s a she, sheapos;s a she, sheapos;s a dear friend.��Sheapos;s gone and married and grown up and gone, but sheapos;s still my friend and we had the BLESSED�opportunity to talk and sit and just reunite. �We have shared a lot of very brief but important experiences in dental. �She is one of the few people I can say without hesitation I am close to in the business; like, close to the point that when she dies someday, I will be deeply affected, and genuinely sad, and it will shake my snowglobe. �A lot.��She is bewitching and lovely, and intoxicating and brilliant, and flippant and errant, and one of the patches in my dental quilt.��She always will be.��And it was great to talk to her. �Sheapos;s gone again, off and on her merry way, running an high-end continuing education dental business for one of the top cosmetic dentists in the world. �I�probably wonapos;t see her again for a long, long time.��Years go by between our opportunities to sit and be quiet together, and reminisce and ruminate and remind each other that life is way, way, way, way, way, way more than this silly trade weapos;ve both settled in, and we need to be way, way, way, way more serious about everything else and on and on and on. � Anyway. �I miss her already. �And I�am happy for her and her marriage and her life and who she is.��And I�am lucky she is a friend to me.��So I am going to add her to his new journal.

Speaking of this new journal, I intend to write more. �I need to get back to writing more. �

And the new job... It is going to be fine. �I am going to be fine.��I just need to hustle, then hustle, then hustle more.��And be organized and positive and have good energy no matter the moment.

I�need to go get situated. �The kids are coming over tomorrow morning for a full day, I guess. �Itapos;s so hard doing this all by myself all day long.��I know I am not allowed to complain. �But itapos;s not easy, not at all. �My divorced dad condo (agh) is just not equipped to host the kids ALL�DAY�LONG. �Itapos;s small in here, and poorly ventilated, and I�donapos;t have anything on the walls (THAT�NEEDS�TO�CHANGE, AND�NOW), and I guess�we will be spending time tomorrow at the park, and Lord knows where else.

Wish me luck. �*sigh*

du ford prairie sac, du fond wisconsin, du fond lac ymca, du fond lac wisconsin.

пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

colt premarin

Ok so i realized that im not going to find a job anytime soon. Well one that i want at least. If things dont work out by january im going to apply to all the ems places i want too. I decided to give flushing community volunteer ambulance corps a one last call just for the hell of it and finaly got through to someone. They explained to me how the corps was going through a building change and they had the president and v.p. Quit at exactly the same time. They also have almost no volunteers so they were glad to accept me. Its a shame how they are one of the oldest vacapos;s in queens and were huge at one point but now barely have 2 crews a week. They are in a "rebuilding stage" i guess.

so for now i just volenteer about 2 days a week between flushing and glen oaks, run and go to the gym when i can and just hang out at gusapos;s all the time. This was an unintentional year off but that will change by the new year. That will be my resolution
colt premarin, colt pre woodsman, colt prather, colt power.com.